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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Use

By accessing the New River Soap Company website, you agree to this website’s Terms and Conditions of use, all regulations and applicable laws. You also agree to the responsibility for compliance with any local laws that may apply. Please read the following information carefully and if you do not agree to any of these terms, then your use and access of this site is prohibited.

Use License

New River Soap Compnay, LLC (NRSC, LLC) grants you, the user, permission to access and make personal use of this website under a limited license. Under this limited license you may not download or modify any material in whole or in part unless given the express written consent of NRSC, LLC. This limited license also excludes but is not limited to the following: downloading of logos, text, graphics, product descriptions, pricing, audio and video clips, and any copying of account information. You may not use any materials contained on this website for commercial use or public use (commercial or non-commercial), reproduce, copy, sell, or duplicate in any manner this website in whole or in any portion without express written permission of NRSC, LLC. The use of meta tags or any other hidden text referring to any content on this website including but not limited to NRSC, LLC’s name or logos is prohibited without the express written consent of NRSC, LLC. If found in violation of any of these terms, this license will automatically terminate and upon termination, any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format, must be destroyed.

Trademarks and Copyrights

New River Soap Company, LLC (NRSC, LLC) and all other marks indicated on our website are trademarks owned exclusively by NRSC, LLC. Any use of these trademarks and trade dress in connection with the sale of any product that is not New River Soap Company, LLC is not allowed. Any manner that seeks to discredit or disparage or that may cause confusion amid NRSC, LLC customers is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, any and all content contained on this website including but not limited to digital downloads, text, graphics, images, logos, audio and video clips is the exclusive property and intellectual property of NRSC, LLC.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

This website and the materials contained on this website by NRSC, LLC are provided on an “as is” basis. NRSC, LLC makes no warranties, either expressed or implied and disclaims and negates all other warranties this includes without limitation the operation of this website and/or the content contained therein, our servers and/or email communications. In no event shall NRSC, LLC be liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of this website, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages. You expressly agree that your use of this website is at your own risk.

The materials contained on NRSC, LLC’s website could comprise of technical, typographical, or photographic errors and NRSC, LLC does not warrant that any of the materials on this website are accurate, complete, or current.  At any time without notice, NRSC, LLC may make changes to the materials contained on this website.

Customer/Site User Content Submissions

By submission of content to this site including but not limited to photographs, reviews and testimonials, you grant NRSC, LLC a non exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable right to use, reproduce, modify, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and publish said content throughout in any media. NRSC, LLC reserves the right to remove any content at any time at its sole discretion.

Redemption and Use of Special Offers and Discounts

NRSC, LLC encourages our customers to redeem special offers and discount codes to be used in coincidence with this website. By using said offers and codes you agree to only use them for their intended use and to not exploit them. At the sole discretion of NRSC, LLC, it will be determined if entire purchasing or other specific criteria linked to coupons, special offers or discount codes has been met to qualify for the stated discount or free product. NRSC, LLC reserves the right to remove any free product and/or discount or cancel entire sales order if, at its sole discretion, NRSC, LLC determines misuse of the terms and conditions associated with said coupons, special offers or discount codes or if stated criteria is not met.

Applicable Law and Governing Law

By the use and access of, you agree that any claim or dispute relating to this website shall be governed by the laws of the state of North Carolina, without regard to principles of conflict of laws.

Modifications in Policy

NRSC, LLC reserves the right to revise, modify, delete and/or update these policies and terms of use and conditions at any time without notice. Said modifications do not invalidate NRSC, LLC’s rights if under previous versions of these conditions violations, breaches and/or infringements occurred. By the use and access of this website, you agree to adhere to and be bound by the current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Medical Disclaimer

NRSC, LLC is not regulated by the FDA and is not responsible for any misuse of any product that is listed on the NRSC, LLC’s website. Furthermore, NRSC, LLC does not claim any of our products to be a “cure” for any and all skin conditions and in no way should any statements within the website be intended or construed as medical advice to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Any information provided on this website is never intended as a substitute to the advice provided to you by your general physician or any other medical professionals.

Even natural ingredients may cause sensitivities, irritations and/or allergic reactions and since every person is different, no guarantee by NRSC, LLC can be made that you will not receive a reaction or irritation due to use of any product purchased through this website. Even through careful and meticulous preparations, procedures and cleaning, it is impossible to guarantee against possible cross-contamination of ingredients. It is the sole responsibility of the customer and/or site user for reading and understanding the labels and complete list of ingredients of each and every product on this website before purchase and use so please read every ingredient carefully. NRSC, LLC reserves the right to make modifications, revisions, reformulations and/or any other changes to products listed on the website and will try to notify you the customer/site user of such changes and updates via the website. It is still the sole responsibility of the customer/site user to read the complete ingredient list of every product even if you have purchased this product before, in order to stay informed of any changes to ingredients. Some products could contain allergens such as nut or plant based allergens. NRSC, LLC is not responsible for any reaction due to an allergy caused by any ingredient listed on any product that is sold through this website. Again it is the sole responsibility of the customer and/or site user to read and understand the ingredients listed on each item before purchase and use. If any questions or concerns arise about any product or their ingredients those questions may be sent via email to our customer service center at and we will be happy to answer any questions to the best of our ability.

It is recommended that, if in doubt, you always perform an allergy patch test and if any irritaion occurs, you do not use the product.  By performing a patch test, it is in no way a guarantee that a skin sensitization will not occur in the future. NRSC, LLC is not responsible for any individual reaction to any product or any of its ingredients. If you develop an allergic reaction, irritation or have any sensitivities to any ingredients in our products, please discontinue use immediately and consult a medical professional in case of an emergency.